
Create a Negotiation instance:

use ptlis\ConNeg\Negotiation;

$negotiation = new Negotiation();

Preferred Variant

In most cases you will only care about the ‘best’ matching variant. The Negotiation::*Best methods provide this:

  • Negotiation::charsetBest()
  • Negotiation::encodingBest()
  • Negotiation::languageBest()
  • Negotiation::mimeBest()

These methods accept two parameters. The first is the contents of the appropriate header field (e.g. Accept for mime negotiation) and the string encoding of server preferences:

$mimeBest = $negotiator->mimeBest(

Fox example, given the client’s preferences:

$clientPrefs = 'text/html;q=0.1,application/xml;q=0.75,text/plain;q=0.2,application/json;q=0.9';

And the server preferences:

$serverPrefs = 'application/json,application/xml;q=0.8,text/n3;q=0.5';

Then $mimeBest would contain application/json.

All Matching Variants

To get an array of containing all matched variants use the *Allmethods:

  • Negotiation::charsetAll()
  • Negotiation::encodingAll()
  • Negotiation::languageAll()
  • Negotiation::mimeAll()

As with the *Best methods, these accept two parameters. The first is the contents of the appropriate header field (e.g. Accept for mime negotiation) and the string encoding of server preferences

$mimeAllList = $negotiator->mimeAll(

$mimeAllList an array of objects implementing MatchedPreferenceInterface, sorted by preference (descending).

From these we can read the variant data provided by the client & server:

$preferredVariant = $mimeAllList[0];

$variantName = $preferredVariant->getVariant();
// $variantName === 'application/json';

$qualityFactor = $preferredVariant->getQualityFactor();
// $qualityFactor === 1;

$clientPref = $bestType->getClientPreference();
// Preference object for client variant & quality factor

$serverPref = $bestType->getServerPreference();
// Preference object for server variant & quality factor

Partial Language Wildcards

Say your language supports Spanish (es) - it would be burdensome to have to specify every permutation of extlangs in your server preferences (e.g. es, es-419, es-CO, es-ES).

Instead you can specify a family by using es-* which will match any language string beginning in es.

When using the languageBest() method the returned variant name will always be es rather than es-* or the client’s full language tag as this aids for direct lookup.

Negotiation Strategies

There are three strategies that can be used when building an application that supports content negotiation; Server-Driven (RFC 2616 Sec. 12.1), Agent-Driven (RFC 2616 Sec. 12.2) and Transparent (RFC 2295).

Server-Driven Negotiation

Your application must do one of two things when server-driven negotiation is used; when the application has one URI for each representation of a resource you must perform a 303 Redirect to that URI, setting the Vary field. For example, if negotiation is performed on the Accept-Language field then the response would look like:

header('Vary: Accept-Language');
header('HTTP/1.1 303 See Other');
header('Location: /path/to/resource/');

When your application serves all representations of the resource from the same URI then you must set the Vary field (as well as changing the fields indicating the type of resource returned). For example, if negotiation has been performed on the Accept and Accept Charset field the response would look something like:

header('Vary: Accept, Accept-Charset');
header('Content-Type: ' . $mimeBest . '; charset=' . $charsetBest);
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